Do Standing Desk Balance Boards Work?

We have talked a lot about the use of a standing desk in a working environment. The benefits of these desks are really huge since they reduce the sitting hours. Now, we are looking for additional advantages from our sit-stand desks, and some accessories promise us to meet our goals. Standing desk balance boards areContinue reading “Do Standing Desk Balance Boards Work?”

How to Design Your Sit-Stand Office

Sit-stand desks are making a bigger change in the office environment. The traditional offices get re-designed to meet the modern demands. Employees are more concerned about their health. Instead of sitting all day long at their desks, they choose a sit-stand combination for keeping them active at work. If your office also allows you toContinue reading “How to Design Your Sit-Stand Office”

How Can A Standing Desk Reduce Your Back Pain?

Sitting for long hours causes stress on your spine, and discomfort happens. Your abdominal area gets affected most. It causes serious health problems. Initially, it does not make you feel uncomfortable. But as time goes, you can feel discomfort intensely. To concentrate on your work, take care of your health first. Cut down your sittingContinue reading “How Can A Standing Desk Reduce Your Back Pain?”

Why Do You Need A Smart Standing Desk?

Office environment gets a noticeable change with the newly designed furniture that offers a great working environment for employees. Standing desks get a huge response from the corporate wellness programs. Employers also invested their time and money to replace the desk with standing desks. As time goes, technologies make the innovation more attractive and useful.Continue reading “Why Do You Need A Smart Standing Desk?”

Why Should You Replace Your Desk with a Standing Desk?

Standing desks are in huge demand because many companies show their interest in replacing the regular desks with sit-stand desks for offering a better working environment. The health issues related to sitting are many, and they are discussed everywhere. If you sit all day long at your desk, you may increase the chances of severeContinue reading “Why Should You Replace Your Desk with a Standing Desk?”

How Does a Standing Desk Benefit Your Health?

Using a standing desk can protect you from all common work-related health issues. If you have an adjustable standing desk, you can learn to use your desk properly to get the health benefits.

Reasons Why You Should Not Sit or Stand Excessively at Work

Prolonged sitting causes many health problems, but desk jobs need employees to sit for more than eight hours.  Many companies shift their attention to the standing desks that allow them to stand and work to offer workers a better working culture. But one significant area gets overlooked to combat the excessive sitting problem. Too muchContinue reading “Reasons Why You Should Not Sit or Stand Excessively at Work”

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