How to Sit Correctly to Avoid Back Pain at Work

When you sit correctly at your desk, you can avoid back pain and other discomforts that you commonly experience in your office. The demand for standing desks increases because they cut down your sitting time and keep you more active by allowing you to stand and work. But, excessive standing is also harmful to your health. Using a chair during your work hours is necessary. You can avoid back pain by correcting your sitting posture.

The details presented here are for the information purpose only. If you experience any discomfort while following these rules, you should consult with your physician. Prolonged sitting causes back pain. So, use a sit-stand desk and change your position often at your desk. The more you include body movements, the healthier your life will be.

Buy a standing desk that comes with an easy control feature. If your desk takes time to adjust the preferred height, you tend to avoid changing your position. It causes real health problems. Use a standing desk properly by switching your position often during your work. Getting ups and downs multiple times keeps your body active and helps you avoid back pain.

Even at your standing desk, you need to practice a good sitting posture to enhance your productivity. If you experience low back pain, follow these sitting guidelines.

Don’t sit for a prolonged time.

  • Sit with your back supported by a chair. Make sure that your sitting posture encourages you to maintain the natural curve of your spine.
  • Keep your hips and knees at a 90-degree angle. You can also use a footrest to achieve the preferred position.
  • Do not cross your legs and keep your feet flat on the floor.

Sitting posture involves a lot of things to keep in mind. You can use an ergonomic chair to correct your sitting posture. If you have a normal chair, you can correct your posture by sitting comfortably in your chair and avoiding extreme bends at your desk. When you abide by the sitting rules, you can avoid back pain at work.

Correct Your Sitting Posture With NextErgo Smart Desk:

While back pain is the most common health issue that employees experience, you cannot ignore your sitting posture’s importance. NextErgo is a coveted manufacturer of smart standing desks that have advanced features to improve your working comfort.

 Ergonomics is the science that offers a safer workplace to employees. Posture is an important aspect of office ergonomics, and this smart standing desk comes with posture correction technology. It allows users to correct their posture at desks. The 8-inch HD touchscreen will show you all details regarding your posture. You will get visual instructions on how to sit or stand correctly at your desk.

Besides this, the desk introduced many advanced options that make your work environment health-supportive. You can perform desk exercises that allow you to stretch yourself while working. You will get step by step instructions on the touchscreen. The smart desks will come up with amazing health benefits for you. To know more about our products, please visit us online

Published by nextergo

NextErgo is our next generation of Ergonomic Desks which incorporates AI to help you reach your fitness goals. We manufacture advanced, flexible workplace technologies. Our AI powered Ergonomic desks help improve your posture, mood, energy levels and overall productivity. Our desks will help you keep track of your fitness goals and encourage you to stay active. You can purchase our other Ergonomic Workstations and Desks from Our corporate office is in Plano, Texas, USA. Our StarErgo products are distributed worldwide.

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